A recently boosted pilot for WBTV, a CNN affiliate, died Tuesday afternoon when the helicopter he was piloting spiraled out of control and crashed in a field near Interstate 77, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Passenger Jason Myers, a meteorologist, also perished in the wreck.
Although the National Transportation Safety Board has yet to release a preliminary accident report, two sources at WBTV told Real Raw News that pilot Chip Tayag had received a fourth Covid-19 vaccination four hours ahead of the fateful flight. They would only comment under condition of anonymity because, they said, WBTV legal issued a directive to all employees — avoid mentioning vaccines when discussing the crash, or don’t discuss it at all, on or off air.

Many employees at WBTV’s Charlotte Studio knew that Tayag was freshly vaxxed because he openly bragged about his vaccine status and beseeched coworkers to stay current on their vaccine regimens.
“Chip loved his vaccines,” one source said. “If he heard someone wasn’t up on their boosters, he’d say something. That morning he was at the studio to grab Jason. Chip was smiling and pointing to little band aid on his arm and telling folks he got another shot per CDC recommendations. He was fine then, looked healthy and was cracking jokes.
A second source affirmed the story, adding that Tayag was a skilled and competent pilot with 20 years of flight experience and thousands of hours of flight time on the station’s Robinson R44 chopper, the world’s best-selling general aviation helicopter since 1999. Built by Robinson Helicopter Company, the R44 has an excellent safety record; pilots say it’s reliable, dependable, quick, and easy to maintain.
RRN has been unable to get the maintenance records of WBTV’s R-44.
“We’ll wait and hear what NTSB has to say, but I’m having a hard time believing Chip lost control of the bird. He was too good for that. I hate to think the vaccine did him in; I got a couple of shots myself,” a source said.
Real Raw News is not ascribing WBTV’s fatalities to the clot shot, as substantive evidence is needed. However, there is an undeniable correlation between the vaccines and pilots falling ill or dropping dead midflight.
Source: realrawnews.com