The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has just been served another round of subpoenas, according to the Vice Chair Bill Gates, who appeared on CNN on Monday night.

The news was reported by Garrett Archer, an ABC reporter who closely follows Arizona elections.
JUST IN. According to @billgatesaz appearance on CNN, the Arizona State Senate has served the @maricopacounty BOS with another round of #azaudit subpoenas.
— The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru (@Garrett_Archer) July 27, 2021
“JUST IN. According to @billgatesaz appearance on CNN, the Arizona State Senate has served the @maricopacounty BOS with another round of #azaudit subpoenas,” Archer tweeted.
“Another subpoena in Arizona,” CNN’s Erin Burnett reported. “Republican state senate just served Maricopa Board of Supervisors with 3rd subpoena demanding election ‘routers’.”

In May, the Arizona State Senate first demanded that Maricopa County turn over the routers and passwords for voting machines used in the 2020 election. The county turned over neither. The Arizona State Senate called an emergency session, which the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors responded to.

“The emergency is due to the Senate indicating that they would take action against the County and Supervisors if the County does not provide passwords it does not have, and routers that could allow access to sensitive law enforcement data, as well as protected health information and personal data of county citizens,” the statement on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ website read.
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