On Tuesday Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who is prosecuting the military’s case against Hillary Clinton at Guantanamo Bay, brought up the decades-old death of Vince Foster, a former colleague of Clinton’s at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, who came to D.C. as part of a cabal of Arkansas loyalists who joined the Clinton administration.

Then-President Bill Clinton had appointed Foster Deputy White House Counsel, tasking him with vetting administration officials. But Foster had a string of failures. Clinton’s first two picks for attorney general had to withdraw because they had hired illegal immigrants, and Foster got mired in a scandal involving the firing of several of the Clinton’s friends in the White House Travel Office.
On July 20, 1993, Foster was found dead at Fort Mercy Park in Virginia, with three gunshot wounds to the back of his head. An official investigation ruled his death a suicide, suggesting Foster took his life because he had disappointed Bill and Hillary.
“What she did to Seth Rich, she did to Vince Foster. There is no statute of limitations on murder,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the panel of three officers.
From a manila envelope Hannink emptied a piece of paper that had been shredded and reassembled with scotch tape.
“This was Vince Foster’s alleged resignation letter, which an official inquiry into his death called a suicide note. There’s a problem, though. The handwriting is not Vince Foster’s. It’s a clever forgery. The military had four handwriting analysis experts compare it to known samples of Foster’s penmanship. All four found subtle nuances proving Foster had not written it,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.
Then he slid another sheet of paper from the envelope, saying he couldn’t reveal its original source but that forensic experts had authenticated the handwriting as belonging to Vince Foster. The letter, he said, was discovered shortly after Foster’s murder and kept hidden in a bank safety deposit box until President Donald J. Trump mysteriously obtained it in August 2017.

Part of the letter read: “If anything happens to me, I hope this letter will be found. To be perfectly clear, I am not suicidal, and should I turn up missing or dead, look no further than Hillary and President Bill Clinton. They know I know. In June last year (1992) Hillary, who is really in charge of what’s going on, embezzled $23,000,000 from the Department of Veteran Affairs and deposited it, spread across their many undisclosed bank accounts, many offshore. I made the mistake of asking my “friends” for a thin slice of that cake. I ought to have known better. They are as greedy as they are evil. I’m not sure my promise of keeping silent will be good enough. I hope I’m wrong.”
Source: realrawnews.com
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