There’s a million different ways to prove that the U.S. media is largely in the back pocket of the Democratic Party. And now that Americans have yet another round of stimulus checks in their back pockets, President Biden wants us to be grateful the U.S. government is giving us our own money back.

Joe Biden is going a step beyond merely putting his signature on stimulus checks, as his predecessor had done to widespread ridicule and contempt in the U.S. media. He is sending Americans letters bragging about his purported accomplishment via the U.S. Treasury.

One of these letters, obtained by Becker News, demonstrates the message, which is arguably using the federal government for electioneering purposes. Such activities are forbidden under the Hatch Act.

“When I took office, I promised the American people that help was on the way,” the letter reads. “The American Rescue plan makes good on that promise. This bill was passed to provide emergency relief to millions of Americans. I want to be sure you receive all the benefits that you are entitled to.”

“This has been a long, hard time for our nation,” the letter continues. “But I believe brighter days are ahead. We are on the path to vaccinating the nation. Our economy is on the mend. And our children will be back in school. I truly believe there is nothing we can’t do as a nation, as long as we do it together.”

The letter is signed ‘President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’.

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the letters last week during a press briefing as being ‘pretty standard’ when the Internal Revenue Service distributes physical checks to taxpayers,” the Washington Examiner reported.



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