The projected Red Wave that would have given Republican lawmakers decisive control of both House and Senate was little more than a stagnant, algae-filled puddle.
Republicans were hoping to hold their own as well as flip key seats in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, and privately hoped to capture a few House seats in the historically Blue states of Rhode Island and Connecticut. But the gains they’d sought never materialized, even though seats still hang in the balance, four in the Senate and 65 in the House as of Wednesday morning.
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As the clock struck midnight, Republican lawmakers, analysts, and financial backers were immersed in conference and Zoom calls trying to figure out what had gone so wrong — and there was plenty of finger pointing, much of it squarely aimed at President Trump, who a day previous teetered on the edge of announcing a 2024 run but held off at the advice of Rudy Giuliani: “If you announce now, and the midterms go sideways, you’ll be blamed,” the veteran mayor told Trump.
At 2:00 am Senator Lindsey Graham and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy consoled and counseled each other, lamenting what Graham called “a colossal disaster” and scapegoating Trump for the Republicans’ subpar performance. They agreed that Trump’s endorsement of celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz and football hero Hershel Walker was a harbinger of doom. “It’s Trump’s fault. We have a Trump problem,” Graham said. Although they slammed Trump, they had high praise for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who decimated contender Charlie Crist in a landslide victory that proved to be a referendum on the criminal regime’s Covid policies and woke agenda. Standing beside his lovely wife Cassie, DeSantis gave an impassioned victory speech, telling Floridians and the nation that “Florida is where woke goes to die.”
As citizens and politicians anxiously scrutinized results, so too did the White Hat partition of the U.S. military. At U.S. Army Cyber Command headquarters in Fort Gordon, Georgia, cyber security analysts began noticing election irregularities early in the day. Approximately 35% of vote tabulators—electronic devices into which ballots are fed and counted — experienced what the Maricopa County Elections Department called a “technical hiccup,” which persisted for several hours. Unbeknownst to election officials, White Hats had undercover boots on the ground as the “glitch” forced voters to cast ballots elsewhere or forego voting altogether. At least one machine had active Wi-Fi and was connected to the internet, a Cyber Command source told RRN.
“Tabulators that mark ballots shouldn’t be Wi-Fi capable. It makes them susceptible to outside tampering and intrusion,” he said.
Cyber Command, he added, has “obtained” a compromised machine and is evaluating “suspicious” connection logs.
Cyber Command is also analyzing a video that purportedly shows a Maricopa County election worker doctoring a stack of ballots.
Arizona is a hotbed rife with election fraud. Elsewhere in Maricopa County, voters seeking to cast ballots at locales with working machines were told by poll workers that if they had come to vote (why else would they be there?) they could vote only for Democrats because no Republican officials were on the premises. They were either told to come back later or to vote elsewhere.