The onslaught of tell-all books on the Trump administration has begun, and they are guaranteed to drive the propagandistic news cycle for the foreseeable future as the establishment is now engaged in a ferocious effort to beat back another White House run by the ex-POTUS in 2024.

One book in particular is a real doozy, chock full of Democrat lunacy and conspiracy theories that portray Trump as a dangerous megalomaniac.

According to ‘I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year’ which was penned by Washington Post smear merchants Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, Speaker Nancy Pelosi went to Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley who she colluded with to strip Trump of the ability to defend the country by removing his ability to respond to a nuclear attack.

According to the book, Pelosi said to Milley that “This guy’s crazy, “he’s dangerous. He’s a maniac” to which the “woke” general reportedly replied; “Ma’am, I guarantee you that we have checks and balances in the system”

The story isn’t new, it received headlines back in January immediately after the so-called “insurrection” when reports that Pelosi had gone to Milley to undermine the sitting commander in chief were made public.



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