United States Special Forces on Thursday killed a former regime cloning scientist during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Dr. Eric Lander served as Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy under the criminal Joseph R. Biden between June 2, 2021 – February 18, 2022. During his career, Lander worked on human genetic variation, genome evolution, and, according to White Hats, solving physical and psychological disparities between human clones and their hosts. He had also taught at Harvard and MIT.

He purportedly resigned in February 2022 after allegations surfaced that he had engaged in bullying and abusive conduct directed against his subordinates and other regime officials. White Hats, however, said the Deep State had grown frustrated with Lander’s “malingering” and canned him from their cloning endeavors.

Our source said Lander’s name appeared in documents Special Forces obtained through earlier raids on cloning laboratories in Missouri and Alaska.

In one document that reads like a diary entry, Lander laments being forced to work 14-hour days as he tries to solve what he describes as an insurmountable task: prolonging a maturated clone’s lifespan beyond three years. His scientific jargon is outside the scope of this website, but his writings paint an image of a mad scientist pushed to the point of exhaustion. He discusses an inability to correct his predecessor’s, and his predecessor’s predecessor, sloppy work, recommending taking the entire cloning operation back to “Stage One.” His final entry is a maniacal screed lambasting his handlers: “They want results overnight; that’s not how science works. Let’s see them do what I do. Compared to me, they’re moronic, shortsighted morons whose hubris and predilection for immediacy will hurt them. Why don’t they listen to me? Why can’t they see you can’t undo decades of piss-poor work in days, weeks, or months? No, that’s not how this works. They won’t even send more help. I need help, real help.”

White Hats believed that Lander could have helped find other cloning scientists and other cloning labs in the United States.

On Tuesday, May 30, Gen. Smith and 5th Special Forces Group commander Col. Brent Lindemen put surveillance on Lander’s home after learning that his spouse, Lori, would be away at an art exhibit in Chicago for several days.

Early Thursday morning, Special Forces breached the home and found Lander sitting at a desk typing away on a laptop. He grabbed what looked like a key fob and said it was a detonator that would blow the house (and them) to smithereens if he triggered it. He thought the Deep State sent Special Forces to kill him.

“Who sent you? [Merrick] Garland? Obama?” he reportedly said.

Weapons raised, Special Forces assured him they were not Deep Staters but were there to apprehend him. They told Lander they wanted his cooperation and would protect him from the Deep State if he dropped the fob and surrendered.

Source: realrawnews.com

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