Joe Biden is scoring a much higher approval rating in early polls of his performance as US President than Donald Trump ever did.

A Hill-HarrisX poll conducted on January 21-22 found Biden had a 63 per cent approval rating, while only 37 per cent of respondents surveyed said they disapproved of the new President’s performance so far.

However, there were still signs of polarisation, as Biden scored highly with Democrats and independents, while 70 per cent of Republican voters said they disapproved of his performance.

Biden scored highest on Covid-19 measures in the poll, with 69 per cent approval for his handling of the pandemic.

Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking found that 56 per cent of voters approved of Biden’s job performance in the first few days, while 34 per cent disapproved.

That approval rating is four percentage points higher than Trump’s best-ever showing in Morning Consult and Politico polling in early March 2017.

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It looks even stronger compared to their polling conducted at a similar point four years ago, when just 46 per cent approved of Trump’s early work.


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