Former Vice President Joe Biden is having a rough go of it during his fake news town hall on CNN. During the shocking clip below, it’s clear that he’s struggling to even string together words for form sentences. This is getting BAD.

While answering a question about vaccines, Biden spewed word salad for a full 40 seconds while the crowd sat there in stunned silence.
“Just like the other question that’s illogical…and, I’ve heard you speak about it, because you alway-, I’m not being solicitous, but you’re always straight up about what you’re doing. The question is whether or not we should be in a position where, um, you uh, why can’t the…the…the experts say, we know that this virus is in fact, uh um, it’s going to be, excuse me, we we know why all the drugs are approved but permanently approved,” Biden said.
Biden’s Town Hall looks like it’s going well:
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 22, 2021

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