Arthur Roberts, the 83-year-old C-List actor who portrays Joseph Biden on television and in person, blew his cover during a televised press conference with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier this week. In a stunning scene seen by many, Biden’s (RRN uses the term ‘Biden’ to stand for either Biden or his body doubles) handlers abruptly and seemingly without cause ushered the press pool from the White House Briefing Room while Johnson tried to field questions from British journalists in attendance.

The stunned press pool protested as security forcibly ejected them, clueless as to why they, the administration’s MSM allies, were being rudely told to leave.
On Wednesday, Jen Psaki, who is currently under military investigation, said the room was cleared because Johnson’s questions were not preapproved, but a whistleblower in the fake administration’s communications office revealed to RRN what actually transpired during the surreal briefing.
As reported previously, it is RRN’s contention that the real Joseph R. Biden has not been seen in public since shortly after the 2020 presidential election. The reason is that, in early February, he suffered a massive stroke that left him brain dead and hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he has lain comatose ever since. Biden’s Deep State handlers had had high hopes for Kamala Harris, and had intended that she would succeed him, but it soon became apparent that she lacked fortitude and the mental acuity needed to coalesce the liberal base. Much to her chagrin, she was put on the backburner while the Deep State sought body double replacements who could play a convincing Joe Biden.
One such find was Arthur Roberts, an obscure 80s actor whose capstone cinematic achievement was playing the evil ninja, Braden, in the 1984 martial arts flick Revenge of the Ninja. After that, he faded into obscurity, henceforth obtaining only minor roles in film and television productions, until the Deep State grabbed him as a potential Biden replacement in early March.
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Roberts, no spring chicken himself and older than the genuine Biden, apparently has a touch of dementia, which caused him to veer off script and raise suspicion in the eyes of Boris Johnson.
In a moment not caught on microphone and spoken softly enough for the press pool to not overhear, Roberts began lamenting to Johnson his failed film career, and he asked the UK Prime Minister whether he had seen the films Little Miss Magic and Up in Smoke, in which he had minor roles.