Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has been continuously hit with sexual assault and harassment allegations over the past couple months and things only seem to be getting worse.

The most recent sexual assault allegation is so bad that it is currently being referred to the Albany Police Department, who said that the allegation may have risen “to the level of a crime.”

According to the most recent allegation against the New York Governor, Cuomo allegedly called the anonymous woman to his mansion for help with “technical issues.” Once the woman got there, Cuomo “reached under her blouse” and “aggressively groped” her.

“As a matter of state policy, when allegations of physical contact are made, the agency informs the complainant that they should contact their local police department,” said Cuomo’s acting counsel, Beth Garvey in a statement. “If they decline, the agency has an obligation to reach out themselves and inform the department of the allegation.”

“In this case, the person is represented by counsel and when counsel confirmed the client did not want to make a report, the state notified the police department and gave them the attorney’s information,” Garvey added.

Cuomo’s days may be numbered consider 59 Democrat New York state lawmakers recently penned a letter to Cuomo, demanding that he resign immediately due to his sexual assault allegations and the ongoing nursing home scandal.

“In light of the Governor’s admission of inappropriate behavior and the findings of altered data on nursing home COVID-19 deaths he has lost the confidence of the public and the state legislature, rendering him ineffective in this time of most urgent need,” the lawmakers said: “In the meantime, the Governor needs to put the people of New York first. We have a Lieutenant Governor who can step in and lead for the remainder of the term, and this is what is best for New Yorkers in this critical time. It is time for Governor Cuomo to resign.”

Check out what the Daily Caller reported on how Cuomo may be removed from office:

Of the 59 Democratic lawmakers who signed the letter, 40 are in the New York state assembly, which has the authority to impeach Cuomo. In the event those 40 lawmakers take the next step and call for Cuomo’s impeachment, they would be just five votes shy of the 76 needed to successfully impeach the governor, as 31 Republican assembly members have already come out in support of impeachment.

Impeachment of a New York governor is a much more serious matter than impeachment at the federal level. Cuomo would be stripped of his powers immediately upon his impeachment by the assembly and Lieutenant Gov. Kathy Hochul would become acting governor. Cuomo would regain his authority only after the state senate voted to acquit.



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