The “Deep” State Department is stockpiling untainted, or vaccine-free, blood in a refrigerated bunker somewhere in central Pennsylvania, ostensibly to use on themselves in the event of a national emergency, a U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) source told Real Raw News.
ARCYBER has intercepted emails in which Dr. Richard Otto, chief medical officer for the Bureau of Medical Services, wrote to Antony Blinken that “the Well” was secure and held 50,000 pints of “uncontaminated” blood from unvaccinated donors. The email said existing blood would have to be destroyed and replaced every 35 days — suggesting it, for reasons unknown, is kept whole and refrigerated instead of frozen.

Other intercepted correspondence alluded to the Well’s location. On February 15, Dr. Cary Fowler, special envoy for global food security, asked Otto in an email whether 50,000 pints were “enough for all of us” and whether he had scouted sites beyond “what we have in Pennsylvania.”
If “all of us” means the entirety of the bloated State Department, which employs 72,000 overpaid swamp creatures, 50,000 pints would hardly accommodate a mass casualty event where tens of thousands suddenly need a transfusion.
The Deep State’s interest in obtaining unvaccinated blood piqued the military’s curiosity because the regime had adamantly insisted that vaccinated and unvaccinated blood were equally safe. The FDA has said, “On multiple occasions, the Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that there is no evidence to support concerns related to the safety of blood donated by vaccinated individuals.”
“They’re telling lies to the public,” our source said. “We have a good idea why they’re hoarding only blood from unvaccinated donors — because the Deep State, at least most of it, is unvaccinated. They never got jabbed. We know as fact that Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Francis Collins were unvaxxed, confirmed by tests when they were arrested. The whole Deep State apparatus wants to stay free of vaccine pollutants, and that’s been proven in emails we’ve seen.”

He referenced an email Otto had sent to HHS Director Xavier Becerra in late January. “As you instructed, we’re rigorously screening donors to ensure all blood collected is free of contaminants. Unfortunately, we’ve pushed the vaccines so hard it’s becoming more and more difficult to find unvaccinated donors. We might have to start donating ourselves to keep an adequate supply,” part of it read.
It’s unclear how and where the Deep State is isolating unvaccinated donors, and which agencies (i.e., the Red Cross) are collecting blood on its behalf, and It’s frightening to think the Deep State might be tricking unvaccinated patriots into donating blood.