Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States, reacted to Georgia implementing a landmark election integrity law on Thursday.

“Congratulations to Georgia and the Georgia State Legislature on changing their voter Rules and Regulations,” Trump said. “They learned from the travesty of the 2020 Presidential Election, which can never be allowed to happen again. Too bad these changes could not have been done sooner!”

On Thursday, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed an election integrity law that would “cut the time period voters have to request absentee ballots; impose new identification requirements; make it easier for state officials to take over local elections boards; limit the use of ballot drop boxes; allow challenges to voting eligibility; and [r]eplace the elected secretary of state as the chair of the state election board,” Axios reported. It would also stop people from approaching others in a voting line, even to ‘offer water.’

Check out the full press release below:

The bill would also require voters to “include their driver’s license number, state ID number or a copy of photo ID when requesting an absentee ballot,” the AJC reported.



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