The seven Republican senators who joined all 50 Democrats in voting to convict former President Donald Trump of inciting the Jan. 6 riot in the Capitol are now facing heat from conservatives in their home states.

The seven senators were:

  1. Richard Burr of North Carolina
  2. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
  3. Susan Collins of Maine
  4. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  5. Mitt Romney of Utah
  6. Ben Sasse of Nebraska
  7. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

The House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump a second time in January, just days after the January 6 riot during which insurrectionists stormed the Capitol building. House members impeached him on an “incitement of insurrection” charge.

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Ten Republican House members were among those who voted to impeach Trump.

On Saturday, the Senate voted to acquit him. The decision was split largely along party lines, with all 50 Democrats voting to convict, and 43 Republicans voting to acquit.

But, with the 7 GOP senators who joined ranks with the Democrats, this impeachment trial had the strongest bipartisan support in history, lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin said Sunday.

Immediately after their vote Saturday, their Republican colleagues began shunning them for going against the majority of the party.

Here’s a look at what each of the seven senators said in defense of their position:



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