President Biden is nominating a new “AFT” director, according to a speech on his new executive actions given on Thursday. Have no idea who the ‘AFT” is? Don’t worry, neither does Biden.

“Finally, the Bureau of Alcobol, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the key agency enforcing gun laws, hasn’t had a permanent director since 2015,” Biden bumbled. “Today, I am proud to nominate David Chipman to serve as the Director of the AFT.”

“David knows the AFT well,” Biden added. That makes one of us.

On Wednesday, Biden unveiled his six “initial” gun control orders on the White House website:

“The President will nominate David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. ATF is the key agency enforcing our gun laws, and it needs a confirmed director in order to do the job to the best of its ability. But ATF has not had a confirmed director since 2015. Chipman served at ATF for 25 years and now works to advance commonsense gun safety laws.”



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