The United States has no plans to boycott the winter 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing over human rights concerns, but supports the boycott in Georgia over its new controversial voting laws passed in March.

When asked in a press briefing Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated that the United States has no plans to boycott the Beijing Olympic Games.

“Our position on the 2022 Olympics has not changed. We have not discussed and are not discussing any joint boycott with allies and partners,” said Psaki.

“We of course consult closely with allies and partners at all levels to define our common concerns and establish a shared approach, but there’s no discussion under way of a change in our plans regarding the Beijing Olympics from the United States point of view,” she continued.

Countries are being pushed to boycott the Olympic Games in Beijing over human rights violations regarding the Uyghur people in eastern China.

In contrast, many companies are boycotting Georgia over recently passed voting laws requiring an ID to vote, among other additions.



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