Tucker Carlson criticized Republican Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson for vetoing a bill that would have banned youth gender reassignment surgeries, saying Tuesday night that Hutchinson is “pro-choice for chemical castration.”
The Arkansas legislature recently passed a bill that would ban doctors from prescribing puberty blockers to children or performing gender reassignment surgery on children who believe they are transgender. But the state’s Republican governor announced Monday that he would veto the bill, describing it as a “vast government overreach.”
“I think of you as a conservative,” Carlson said. “Here you have come out publicly as pro-choice on the question of chemical castration of children. What changed?”
Hutchinson said that Carlson’s characterization of the bill was incorrect because it went “far beyond” banning chemical castration of children.
“This bill was extreme,” the governor said. “And if it clear that this was about prohibiting procedures of sex reassignment surgery, absolutely, I would have signed that bill.”
“But this was the first law in the nation that invokes the state between medical decisions, parents who consent to that, and the decision of the patient,” Hutchinson continued. “And so, this goes way too far.”
Source: dailycaller.com; notisia365.com
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