Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted CBS and “60 Minutes” following the airing of a highly misleading segment on Sunday in which he was basically accused of engaging in a “pay-for-play” arrangement with grocery chain Publix.

The segment, which has been highly criticized by other members of the media and even some Democrats, portrayed DeSantis as rewarding Publix with vaccine distributor privileges after the company donated $100,000 to the GOP governor’s political action committee.

Also, DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that a clip 60 Minutes showed of its correspondent accusing the governor of the shady arrangement was selectively edited to cut out a significant portion of his explanation as to why Publix actually got involved in vaccine distribution.

“Lost in this is, we vaccinated now three and a half million senior citizens,” DeSantis said Monday night.

“We were the first state to say we’re doing seniors first. We’re not going to follow the CDC’s recommendation. And what we have done has worked. And they didn’t want to discuss that. And obviously, they selectively edited the background,” he continued.

“They tried to act like there was a conspiracy with Publix, ignoring the fact that other pharmacies were involved before Publix, doing all our long-term care facilities and ignoring the fact that I met with the county mayor, who’s now as a Democrat, who said what ’60 Minutes’ has done is bunk,” he noted further.

Source: trendingpolitics.com


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