Donald Trump has weighed in on a dangerous development that poses a threat to the Supreme Court. The statement, issued by email, addresses the Biden-appointed commission to “reform” the highest court in the land, which obviously means advocating that it should be packed with radical new justices.

“Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Supreme Court of the United States, after showing that they didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done on the Great Presidential Election Fraud of 2020, was PACKED by the same people, the Radical Left Democrats (who they are so afraid of!), that they so pathetically defended in not hearing the Election Fraud case,” Trump said.
“Now there is a very good chance they will be diluted (and moved throughout the court system so that they can see how the lower courts work), with many new Justices added to the Court, far more than has been reported,” the statement added. “There is also a good chance that they will be term-limited.”
“We had 19 states go before the Supreme Court who were, shockingly, not allowed to be heard,” Trump continued. “Believe it or not, the President of the United States was not allowed to be heard based on ‘no standing,’ not based on the FACTS.”
“The Court wouldn’t rule on the merits of the great Election Fraud, including the fact that local politicians and judges, not State Legislatures, made major changes to the Election—which is in total violation of the United States Constitution,” the former president went on. “Our politically correct Supreme Court will get what they deserve—an unconstitutionally elected group of Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country.”

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