Hillary Clinton will have her day in court; more precisely, on April 8 she will face a military tribunal to answer for crimes committed against America and its people.
As reported previously, U.S. Navy SEALs under Trump’s command staged a March 2 raid on Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate, capturing her and seizing laptops that link the former First Lady to countless atrocities. She has been held under military guard at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center Camp Delta since March 5.
In just over a week, the villainous, vile creature will stand before a military tribunal consisting of six U.S. military officers handpicked by Donald J. Trump and his advisory board. A Trump source familiar with the proceedings told RRN that the officers who will serve as both judge and jury cover a broad range of military ranks—from O-3 (captain) to 0-9 (Lt. General)—selected from all branches of U.S. Armed Forces.

“The choice was not done hastily. Trump’s team spent weeks picking the officers. Trump wanted to remove himself from the equation and ensure that the officers picked were not tainted by any bias for Clinton. No matter what, the odds are stacked against her. A tribunal isn’t an ordinary trial, and Clinton is no longer an American citizen,” our source said.
Stripped of her citizenship, Clinton is no longer afforded the protections of the U.S. Constitution and Geneva Convention. She is a detainee, or enemy combatant, which means she has no rights, not even the right to remain silent. In a military tribunal, silence is equated with guilt.
“Clinton was asked if she wanted an advocate to speak on her behalf, but the loon said she would defend herself. She decried the whole idea of a military tribunal as lunacy and has been babbling out how her people are going to free her. It doesn’t look good for her. She’s being charged with treason, sedition, assassinations, assassination attempts—the list goes on,” our source said.

Moreover, Trump has held Clinton responsible for the deaths of four Americans in the Benghazi Massacre: Ambassador Chris Stephens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former U.S. Navy SEALs. Clinton’s inaction led to their deaths; therefore, Trump decreed she must be held to account.
Our source said Clinton faces one of three possible outcomes: acquittal, life at GITMO, or a firing squad.
Source: realrawnews.com
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