Federal Investigators on Wednesday executed a search warrant on former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Manhattan condominium, seizing cellphones, laptops, and reams of printed paper under the pretense of searching for communications between Giuliani and the former president of the Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

Sources close to Giuliani, however, told Real Raw News that the U.S. Justice Department’s official reason for storming Giuliani’s home is a bold-faced lie. By order of Kamala Harris, the FBI went to Giuliani’s home hoping to find a video copy of Hillary Clinton’s execution at Guantanamo Bay, which took place on Monday, April 26. As RRN reported previously, Rudy Giuliani had attended the grisly affair and stood among the small delegation of patriots who watched Clinton’s neck snap.
“Video was taken. The military gave Rudy a copy. I didn’t even know Rudy got one until after the FBI came, and then it was damn obvious. It’s no coincidence they picked that day to storm Rudy’s home. Twice before Rudy volunteered to give any and all correspondence with Ukrainian officials to the FBI. And you know what? The FBI never wanted it. All of a sudden, the day after Clinton hangs, the FBI wants his electronic devices. Afterward, I asked Rudy if he had a copy, and he said he was given ‘something’ the FBI took. He wasn’t specific, but I knew what he meant. Do you know Rudy has two drives of Hunter Biden’s files? And the FBI didn’t even want to touch those,” our source said.

Two FBI agents, he added, apologized to Giuliani for their role in confiscating his constitutionally protected private property. When Giuliani demanded to know who orchestrated the illegal search and seizure, one FBI agent admitted that “the order came straight from the top–Kamala Harris.”
Source: realrawnews.com
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