House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday that members of his GOP caucus have expressed concerns that Representative Liz Cheney, a fierce critic of former President Donald Trump, may not be able to “carry out the job” in her leadership role.

Speaking on Fox & Friends Tuesday, McCarthy added that many in the GOP are concerned that Cheney lacks the ability to represent the party’s “message” as the House Republican Conference’s chair.

“I have heard from members concerned about her ability to carry out the job as conference chair, to carry out the message,” the California Republican said, according to Politico. “We all need to be working as one if we’re able to win the majority. Remember, majorities are not given, they are earned. And that’s about the message about going forward.”

McCarthy denied that his statements were a result of Cheney’s vote to impeach Trump in February, adding that “there’s no concern about how she voted on impeachment. That decision has been made.”

However, his comments represent the latest escalation in an ongoing feud between members of the GOP regarding how much influence Trump should continue to hold over the party.

During the impeachment trial, Cheney came out firmly in favor of Trump’s conviction after the former president was accused of inciting his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Since then, the Wyoming congresswoman has repeatedly condemned Trump for pushing baseless claims that the presidential election was stolen because of voter fraud. She has argued that he should play no role in the Republican Party’s future.



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