After House Republicans voted to remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her House leadership post, and she pledged to make sure Donald J. Trump never gets “near the Oval Office again,” the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps drafted a sealed indictment charging her with treason and other high crimes against America and its citizenry.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State told Real Raw News that the long overdue indictment was signed and sealed after Donald Trump and key Republican lawmakers gave JAG evidence that tied Cheney to illegal ballot harvesting in her home state, proof that treasonous Cheney is nothing less than a Democrat in disguise. On election night, as Trump was trouncing Biden in Wyoming by 40 percentage points, Cheney was on the phone begging state election officers in 5 precincts to stop tallying Republican votes. Moreover, she verbally assailed Wyoming Secretary of State Edward Buchanan (R) for supporting a “criminal candidate.”
Cheney’s election night antics and hatred of Trump coalesced into sheer lunacy on Jan 6 when she blamed Trump for the Capitol riots, demanding his impeachment, and labelling him “an insurrectionist” guilty of sedition. After failing to rally Republican support, she unprofessionally, unethically, and illegally asked Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to hasten the state’s tax fraud investigation on Donald Trump.
Worse, she harangued Trump’s eldest children—Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—with a ceaseless barrage of emails and voicemails, demanding they pressure Trump to stay in New York or Florida, anywhere but Washington D.C.

“It was criminal harassment but had nothing to do with the indictment. The Trumps have the thickest skins of any human beings on the planet, and they blew Liz Cheney off as loony toons, a crazy Karen,” our source said.
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