US military assets operating on Donald Trump’s authority came within inches of apprehending former Vice President Michael Pence at a clandestine safehouse where he had been hiding somewhere in southern Indiana, according to a Trump source familiar with the operation.
As previously reported, Donald Trump branded Pence “a traitor to America and its people” after then-VP Pence sided with Democrats during the Jan 6.
Electoral College certification. His unconscionable choice earned Trump’s
enmity. Since then, Pence had been jet setting around the world hoping to find a non-extradition country he could call home. But none wanted him. Not even Vladimir Putin.
Trump gave Pence many chances to apologize and name his Deep State
co-conspirators, but Pence declined an invitation to admit guilt and ask
forgiveness at the February 21-25 CPAC conference in Orlando, FL. Had Pence acquiesced, Trump would have shown leniency and shredded a sealed indictment charging him with crimes against America and its people, our source said.
On Wednesday, March 3, Trump received an intelligence brief saying that Pence had physically distanced himself from his family and was hiding in a rented cabin near the Knobstone Trail in southern Indiana, an area known for its rugged terrain and dense, shadowy forests. It’s unclear whether he rented the building in his own name or an alias.
“This was the first credible evidence Trump had that Pence was isolated on
American soil. He has been trying to get a bead on Pence for months, but Pence is a slippery one and has been constantly moving around. Trump talked to military commanders who are still helping him drain the swamp, officers who don’t recognize Biden’s presidency, and enlisted their help to track and capture Pence,” our source said.
Asked which military assets, specifically, took part in the operation, our
source said, “I cannot answer that question, but it was a small unit sent to
retrieve him.”
He did, however, supply the following details:
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