More than two months after the deadly Capitol insurrection, one judge thinks self-styled QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley, still hasn’t learned his lesson.

The infamous horned Capitol participant of the siege lost his latest pretrial release motion Monday, according to new court documents that reject Chansley’s claims he was a peaceful participant in the fatal siege.

Earlier this month, Chansley gave his first jailhouse interview since his arrest to CBS News’ “60 Minutes+,” telling correspondent Laurie Segall he didn’t consider his participation in the insurrection an attack on the United States.

But Chansley’s televised appearance appears to have backfired. Judge Royce Lamberth cited the interview in his Monday decision.

“The statements [Chansley] has made to the public from jail show that [he] does not fully appreciate the severity of the allegations against him,” Lamberth wrote. “To the contrary, he believes that he — not the American people or members of Congress — was the victim on January 6th.”

In the interview, Chansley said he regretted entering the Capitol building illegally, but said he thought the move was “acceptable” because police officers had “waved” protesters in — a claim prosecutors have been unable to confirm, according to court records.



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