On Easter Sunday Donald J. Trump invoked the Insurrection and Patriot Acts to order the arrest of two of Hillary Clinton’s co-conspirators, John Podesta, her former campaign manager, and Huma Abedin, Clinton’s former political advisor and alleged lover.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s agenda to overthrow the Deep State and return America to the people provided RRN exclusive details on the shocking arrests.

At noon Sunday, Donald J. Trump contacted Gen. Richard D. Clarke, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, and asked that two Special Forces teams launch simultaneous incursions against Podesta, at his Friendship Village home in MD., and Abedin at her parents’ house near Lansing, MI.

“Trump obtained valid intelligence proving that they’d be at those locations. He picked Easter Sunday because, he felt, it was the best day to catch them in a lull. Podesta was at home with his wife, and Abedin having Easter lunch at her parents. Why Huma, a Muslim, was celebrating Easter we don’t know. But Trump trusted the intel,” our source said.

At 2:00 p.m., one Special Forces Detachment surveilled the Abedin home in the Old Everett subdivision of Lansing. As the family inside the home enjoyed a cooked goose dinner, elements of the 3rd Special Forces Group stealthily approached the 5,000 sq. ft. villa and readied an assault.

“From what we know, part of the team took up sniper positions near the front door, while others breached the rear and hurled flashbang grenades into the house, stunning and deafening everyone inside. Abedin’s parents collapsed in fear, while Huma started grousing about how she was protected and they couldn’t do this to her. They shackled her. They told the parents to keep quiet or else they’d be next,” our source said.

Source: realrawnews.com


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