The U.S. military has offered a recently incarcerated James Comey a plea deal: No death sentence in exchange for future testimony against the Deep State’s preeminent architect, Barack Hussein Obama.
As reported previously, U.S. Marines on April 20 raided Comey’s posh Mansion in McClean, Va., where they arrested the traitor and shipped him to Camp Lejeune, N.C. There, the military has been interrogating him in advance of his eventual trip to Guantanamo Bay to stand before a military tribunal.
A confidential source involved in Trump’s operation to invalidate the 2020 election and arrest the traitors told RRN that Trump agreed to remove capital punishment from the table if, and only if, Comey signs an attestation linking Obama to the tragic deaths of 16 patriots. According to the military, Barack Obama had on July 31, 2013 authorized an airstrike against a Colorado militia group after learning its members had obtained photographic evidence of guillotines being installed at FEMA camps in Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
The militia members, the military claims, had gathered at a secluded safehouse in northwest Colorado to discuss methods of disseminating their evidence without endangering themselves and their families. Unbeknownst to them, an Obama spy had, apparently, infiltrated their ranks and communicated knowledge of the meeting to the Obama hierarchy. As the meeting progressed, an F-16 from Cheyenne Mountain homed in on the safehouse and released a pair of Mark 83 1000-lb bombs. The resulting explosion laid waste the area and killed everyone in attendance, including women and one child.
“Obama tried to destroy evidence of the attack, but seems he missed some. Trump and the military believe Comey knew about it an advance. So did Susan Rice and John Brennan, who’s already at GITMO. Comey’s not getting out of a tribunal, but Trump wants Obama. It’s possible Brennan has already spilled some info on this. Trump’s willing to spare some lives to get to Obama,” our source said.
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