Although he has been sitting in the White House for less then two months, and spends most of his time asleep, Joe Biden is already antagonizing foreign leaders and pushing the U.S. closer to major conflict than any president has in the last four decades. In an interview with ABC that aired Wednesday, Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin “will pay a high price” for his meddling in the 2020 presidential election, and he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Putin was “a killer.”

Biden’s comments came after an American intelligence assessment—edited by Kamala Harris—accused the Russian government of interfering with the election to denigrate Biden’s candidacy.

The Kremlin quickly condemned Biden’s comments, with its spokesperson, Dimitry Peskov, telling TASS state media that “there hasn’t been anything like this in history.” Peskov said Biden’s slanderous comments served only to further damage an already fractured U.S.-Russia relationship.

On Thursday Putin weighed in, challenging Biden to a live, online debate.

“I would like to offer President Biden [the opportunity] to continue our discussion, but on condition that we’ll do so what is called live, online. Without anything pre-recorded, in an open and direct discussion. It seems to me, it would be interesting for both Russian people and for the U.S. people, as well as for many other countries. He calls me a killer, but it takes one to know one,” Putin said.

An administration source speaking under promise of anonymity said, “No debate will ever happen. Biden knows Putin will tear him apart. Biden’s asleep at the wheel. He’s a puppet. And the puppeteers working his strings would love nothing more than war with Russia. The whole intelligence report is a blatant fabrication. Biden’s intelligence people, believe it or not, want war.”

One person eager for war is Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, whose résumé includes four years of intelligence work under the criminal Barack Hussein Obama. Between 2013-2015, Haines served as Deputy Director of the CIA, and from 2015-2017, U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor. In the Obama White House, she oversaw drone-strike operations that caused thousands of civilian fatalities, which she labeled “acceptable, collateral damage” in an interview with Moreover, she advocated war with Syria and Iran, and in April 2015 asked Obama to “drop the bomb” on Russia. She is uniquely unqualified for intelligence work—she sold used cars for a living before signing on with Obama—but for reasons unknown holds one of the most important positions in the intelligence community. Her faulty analysis of Russian interference in the 2020 election was partly responsible for Biden’s decision to rile Vladimir Putin.



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