Delta Force operators have been protecting Donald J. Trump and his Mar-a-Lago command center since the end of March, Real Raw News can now report.

On March 10, Trump learned the Secret Service agents assigned to safeguard him had colluded with members of the Biden administration, leaking details on how he and his loyal councilors planned to invalidate the 2020 election. A source in Trump’s orbit told RRN that Stephen K. Bannon uncovered the insidious plot, and that Bannon gave Trump the names of two agents who had siphoned top-secret data from the Mar-a-Lago computer network and sent it to Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Advisor.

“Bannon told Trump not to trust any Secret Service anymore. Trump, though, had the foresight to predict the digital intrusion. He had planted fake plans in the computer just in case Biden’s people somehow accessed it,” our source said.

Nonetheless, Trump fired the traitorous spies and warned them to avoid Mar-a-Lago and other Trump-owned properties.

“Tell your fake president you failed,” Trump purportedly told them.

On March 11, Trump met a U.S. Joint Special Operations Command officer whose name and rank are classified, as he is the current commander of 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta. Sources told RRN that Trump, concerned over the Secret Service betrayal, requested that a Delta detachment be assigned to defend Mar-a-Lago from potential Deep State incursions.

“The special operations community has remained fiercely loyal to Trump, despite Biden having stolen the election. Trump told the Delta commander he couldn’t trust the Secret Service, the CIA, the FBI, or anyone sent from Washington, for that matter. The Delta guy said he’d be happy to oblige, and Trump wanted a diversion so Delta could embed its people at Mar-a-Lago without drawing scrutiny or media attention,” our source said.



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