Speaker Nancy Pelosi was confronted on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” about the election she is trying to steal.


The Sunday morning interview turned to an Iowa House race that has been decided for the Republicans by a scant 6 votes.

“We’re going to Iowa’s second Congressional district,” Stephanopoulos said. “The GOP Congresswoman Marjorie [sic] Miller-Meeks won a razor-close election. The votes were counted, recounted, certified by the state.”

“But the House Administration Committee began a process this week that could lead to unseating the Congresswoman. That has Republicans accusing you of hypocrisy, including Jim Jordan. He put out this tweet…”

“Speaker Pelosi says she’s open to unseating Republican Congresswoman Miller-Meeks. Translation: You’re only allowed to object to an election if you’re a Democrat.”

“Why investigate an election that was certified by the state?” Stephanopolous asked.

“Well, it’s six votes,” Pelosi responded. “There were six votes. And our candidate, Rita Hart, a Democratic candidate, asked for this process to begin.”

“What the committee did, the House Administration Committee, was very narrow,” Pelosi continued, “To take the process to the next step and see where it goes from there.”

“An election, six votes out of 400,000 votes cast,” she reiterated. “This is not unique. This has happened even when you were in the Capitol before, when races have been close one side or the other saying, ‘let’s take it to the House.’

“Because even Justice Scalia agreed that the House has the authority to seat members and therefore, we can count the votes,” Pelosi said. “Six votes out of 400,000.”

The hypocrisy is simply breathtaking. Speaker Pelosi just led an impeachment against Donald Trump for purportedly ‘inciting’ an election when he was merely arguing that the election was ‘stolen.’ All that Donald Trump had sought was due process in tight election races, so that legal votes were counted and illegal votes were tossed out.

Here, we have Speaker Pelosi seeking to potentially steal a certified election by abusing a power delegated to the House, and her excuse is that it is because it is a close election (as if the elections in Georgia and Arizona weren’t close). You can’t make this stuff up.

Souce: trendingpolitics.com


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