Juneau, Alaska — Alaska Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Tuesday she knows her vote to convict former President Donald Trump during his recent Senate impeachment trial could have political consequences, “but I can’t be afraid of that.”

If the people of Alaska decide that “because I did not support my party that I can no longer serve them in the United States Senate, then so be it,” Murkowski told reporters during a visit to the state Capitol.

She also said that if the state Republican Party decides to censure her for her vote, “they can make that statement. But I will make the statement, again, that my obligation is to support the Constitution that I have pledged to uphold, and I will do that, even if it means that I have to oppose the direction of my state party.”

The Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee earlier this month passed a resolution opposing the Senate impeachment trial as “moot” and opposing a conviction. Glenn Clary, the party chairman, did not respond to messages Tuesday, including whether the party is considering a censure of Murkowski.

Murkowski was one of seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump, who was acquitted of the sole charge of incitement of insurrection related to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Other Republicans who voted to convict Trump, including Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, have been censured by party officials in their states.

Murkowski faces reelection next year. When asked if she planned to run, Murkowski said she is “doing what I should be doing to ensure that I have that option and that opportunity to run for yet another term.” She said she is “absolutely leaving the avenues open for my reelection opportunities.”

Source: mynorthwest.com; cbsnews.com


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